We Want YOU to share your favorite

Gluten-Free BBQ recipe with the Nation!





Plan: We are asking our fans – YOU – to submit their favorite gluten-free BBQ recipes & beer pairings featuring New Planet Beer.  Submissions will need to be received via email by June 27th, and will be posted on Facebook and our website as the featured recipes for July.

3 winners will be chosen. Winning entries will need to feature a New Planet Beer either in the actual recipe, or as a “perfect pairing.” Pictures to accompany the recipes will be welcomed.

Winning recipes will be posted to the New Planet Beer website the week of JULY 4th – for all to see – with a quick Bio on the Recipe Author, and then shared on our Facebook and Twitter network.

Winners will also receive a custom prize pack featuring a New Planet Beer Apron, T-shirt, Bottle Opener and Baseball Cap as well as a Four-Pack of the Beer of their choice! Lastly, winners will also receive a personally signed copy of the best selling book, Defeat Wheat, by Brian Gansman.


Recipes to be emailed to peter@newplanetbeer.com by 11:59pm 6/27/13, Winners will be notified by email and posted 7/1/13


Must be 21 years or older to enter

Participants can submit as many GF recipes as they want

Recipe must be Gluten Free and either feature a NPB or be paired with a NPB

Questions? Please email Peter@newplanetbeer.com

2 replies
  1. JB
    JB says:

    I use 1 bottle of Pale Ale and 1 can tex mex style tomatoes which I get from the local boxmart,add 1 chopped vidalia onion then marinate your favorite meat in this concoction, your time is selective,then dump the marinate and make another batch of the same ingredients and “SLOWLY” cook on the grill with this concoction basted on your favorite meat. Try it,you will like it.


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