4 Reasons Drinking Beer is Good for You

4 Reasons Drinking Beer is Good for You

A stout or a hearty porter is the perfect beverage to keep you warm on a cold winter night. A cold lager is refreshing on a summer afternoon.

Drinking beer is one of the things that many of us enjoy. Did you know that there are tons of reasons to love a good brew?

Here are 4 reasons drinking beer is good for you:

  1. Fights cancer

You may think that it’s better to crack open a bottle of wine at the end of the day, but you’ll be better off with a bottle of beer. Researchers from Germany have discovered that beer can help prevent cancer.

Xanthohumol is a potent antioxidant that inhibits cancer-causing enzymes. This is found only in hops. This flavonoid can block excessive estrogen and testosterone; thereby, potentially reducing the risk for breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

  1. It’s good for your bones

Studies suggest that dark, hoppy ales can increase your bone density. In fact, moderate beer consumption is said to help fight osteoporosis.  This is because they have a significant amount of silicon which contributes to bone and connective tissue health.

  1. Keeps the heart happy

High blood pressure can be linked to a wide variety of diseases. Research suggests that beer can help lower a person’s risk of hypertension. According to a group of researchers from Harvard, moderate beer drinkers are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure as compared to non-drinkers. In addition, it also reduces the risk heart attack and death from cardiovascular disease.

  1. It keeps your kidneys healthy

According to a study that was conducted by a group of Finnish researchers, regular beer consumption can lower a man’s risk of developing kidney stones by up to 40%. Since beer is considered to be a diuretic, beer drinkers are expected to have more frequent trips to the bathroom, which aids in keeping kidneys functioning properly.

Keep, in mind, though, that beer should only be drank in moderation. Cheers to your health!

Beer fights cancer – http://www.upi.com/Cancer-fighting-agent-found-in-beer/58871199121767/

Beer is good for the bones – http://www.webmd.com/osteoporosis/news/20100208/beer-for-better-bones

Beer keeps the heart healthy – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3584448/A-beer-day-keeps-heart-attack-bay-one-reduces-risk-disease-quarter.html

Beer keeps your kidneys healthy – Beer & Kidney Stones | Nutrihealth.in


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